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Somewhere Other

John Wardle Architects

 with Natasha Johns-Messenger and Coco and Max


Somewhere Other invites audiences to look through five portals housed within an intriguing timber and steel structure. Experiencing the project, audiences walk around, through and into a series of interconnected timber volumes, voids and apertures, each framing a ‘portal’, a film work or intentional reflection that provides the viewer with a different experience in each instance. Somewhere Other was developed in collaboration with film makers Coco and Maximilian and New York based, Australia artist, Natasha Johns-Messenger.


Two portals impossibly extend the viewers perception of the physical space. A taller portal extends the viewers perception of space through the presentation of several ambient film pieces, abstracted vignettes of architectural projects at 1:1 scale. A long-pleated timber cantilever, reminiscent of a Venetian mask, invites the viewer to peer towards a projected film – an ambiguous tapestry of portals, thresholds and edge conditions drawn from the architects’ work.


Venue: Arsenale, La Biennale di Venezia, the 16th International Architecture Exhibition, FREESPACE, curated by Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara.


Year: 2018

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